Delhi Chief minister Dr Arvind Kejriwal on a press conference said " In order to big more transparency in Delhi School admissions process Delhi government has decided to scrap the management quota to only 25 percent of EWS and remaining 75 Percent of admission seats will be available to General Public."
Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal |
Citing the Delhi High court's order Delhi CM said "The Court has asked schools to follow their own criteria and never allowed to reserve seats under quota .The court also warns schools that abiding this order may lead to de-recognition or can be taken over by the government. and so to take necessary steps to make most of the seats available to general public.The court even asks the Delhi Government not to micromanage any admissions
Kejriwal also announced that Delhi government is striking down 62 debatable criteria.He also mentioned some schools are still following arbitrary criteria which is wrong and discriminatory.These schools are not providing admissions to children whose parents are smoke or drink, Non Vegetarians. They are giving some additional points to children whose parents know painting and music.Some parents welcomed the move and some expressed this order may further delay the admission process this year.
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