Padma Vibhushan M.M Sharma who is also the Former director of Chemical Technology is going to inaugurate the Three day Innovation Festival which is going to start on January 29th at Nehru Science Centre,Mumbai. NSC has established an Innovation hub at new facility centre which helps students in creating a culture of innovation among public.President Pranab Mukherjee also declared the decade starting from 2010 as the "Decade of Innovation"
Students are going to exhibit some of the interesting thins in this festival such as Travel bags with folding seats, Modified crutches hastle free device for cleaning rice ,adjustable walkers, Low-cost Braille Printer, IIT-B's racing car, Mitti cool, First Benz car replica , gearless spherical robot working model,Mind-controlled chair for physically challenged, autonomous under water vehicle etc.
Festival provides a good platform for students to showcase their talent
in exhibiting various innovative products and services in the field of
art, science and Technology. School students, IIT-Bombay, National
Innovation foundation,Agastya International Foundation, Paramparik
karigar and several others will be participating in this event this
year.There will be lectures, workshops, demonstrations, activities, Ideabox and challenge your corner etc kind of events featured in NSC.
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