"Schools need to keep Bhagavadgita in their libraries from next academic year " Says Rajasthan State education Minister Vasudev Devnani. On a Function in Ajmer He told it is a great step in improving educational system in government schools in Rajasthan.
BhagavadGita |
Bhagavadgita is a guidance for every one and it helps students to lead a balanced life.Keeping it in Libraries will provide an opportunity for students to read it.There are almost 13,000 government schools in the Rajasthan state.
Earlier in 2014 he made Surya Namaskar compulsory for students in all government schools and later it was made optional after it was challenged before court.Vasudev Devnani has been stoking with some controversial decisions in the educational sector since his appointment as an education minister in 2014.
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